Thursday, August 31, 2017

5 features of Bhakti (7/03/2016)

Sadāśiva samārambhāṁ śaṅkarācāryamadhyamām asmad ācārya paryantām vandē guru paramparām. One of the words which is very widely used in all religious and spiritual circles is the word Bhakti. Since it is so widely used, the word bhakti has several shades of meanings. And different groups understand the word bhakti in its own way. And unfortunately, the meaning of the word bhakti has changed so much, nowadays that the popular meaning of the word has deviated from the traditional meaning of the word bhakti. 
              Nowadays the word bhakti is popularly used in the sense of blind, thoughtless, obsessive, emotional involvement - with a particular form of any deity and get into an emotional frenzy, in the name of bhakti. Since this meaning has come away from, deviated from, the original concept of bhakti found in the scriptures, it is worth knowing the important features of bhakti, as visualised by our scriptures. And I would like to mention today five such important features of bhakti.
            The first feature is, reverential appreciation as the comic intelligence behind the universe; because of which, there is order, harmony and natural functioning of the entire universe of things and beings. And the - our original scriptures, define this cosmic intelligence beautifully as, the eternal, all pervading and inherent intelligence or consciousness principle. Since is eternal and all pervading, there is no specific form for Ishwara . There is no specific form for ishwara , which means, god should not be mistaken as a person, residing somewhere, with limbs like a human being. Ishwara should not be looked upon as a person, residing somewhere, with limbs like human beings. Such a specific form is not there for Ishwara. Vedas defines Ishwara in several places. And in Mundaka Upanishad (1.1.6) the definition given is - yat tad adreśyam agrāhyam agotram avarṇam acakṣuḥśrotraṃ tad apāṇipādam nityaṃ vibhuṃ sarvagataṃ ṣmaṃ tad avyayaṃ ṃ paripaśyanti dhīrāḥ
            Bhagavan is the cosmic intelligence - for whom, there are no limbs like, eyes or ears; has no limbs, like hands legs etc. Therefore, reverential appreciation of this intelligence not in one place; but, as inherent in the entire universe. This is the first feature of bhakti. And even though Bhagavan in His original form, original nature, is formless, for the sake of worship and meditation, scriptures themselves provide provisional forms. The scriptures themselves give provisional forms, temporary forms; for the sake of worship like abhisekam, puja etc. Provisional forms are given. But, we should remember, they are only provisional and temporary forms given for us to worship, to appreciate the formless one. And therefore, scriptures warn that, never be emotionally hooked to any particular form and make it an obstacle to discovery of the original god. Getting stuck to any particular form and getting emotionally lost in that particular form - this kind of obsessive, emotional bhakti is never recommended in the scriptures. Not only it is not real bhakti, it is considered to be an obstacle to transcend the form. We start with a provisional FORM; but later, bhagavan should not be appreciated in one place; but must be recognised as, the invisible, inherent, intelligence that is pervading everywhere. Therefore, the first feature of bhakti is, reverential appreciation of as cosmic intelligence.  
Then, the second feature of bhakti is, reverential appreciation of the very universe itself as the body of Ishwara . If Bhagavan is inherent in the entire universe, pervading the entire universe, the universe must be the physical body of the Lord. Just as, 'I' am the conscious principle inherent in my entire body, God is the cosmic intelligence inherent in the universe. Therefore, the universe must be appreciated as the body of the Lord. Appreciating the universe as - not confining Him to an idol or a photo or a particular picture; but, appreciating the whole universe as Viswarupa Ishwara. And this reverential appreciation of the world is very, very important; because, as even our appreciation of the whole universe - consisting of a mixture of good and bad - when I learn to reverentially appreciate, then gradually, both my attachment and aversion will get diluted. Vishrupa bhakti is the most important attitude, which will help us in reducing our attachment and aversion. And this is very important for emotional balance and peace of mind. Lesser the appreciation, greater will be my raga and dvesha .
That is why, if you read the meaning of Rudram, you will find the whole universe is described as Rdura in Vishrupa. Shiva in the form stones, in the form of tree, in the form of noble people, in the form of robbers! Therefore, everything is appreciated as Vishrupa Ishwara ; so that, I will avoid attachment towards the positives and hatred towards the negatives. Neither attachment nor hatred. The only attitude I have is reverential appreciation. Rudram is description of Shiva as the universe. Purusha Suktam is the description of Vishnu as the universe.
And if the universe is called Shiva; and the universe is called Vishnu; what is the difference between S and V? So, the one who has got real bhakti, will never, never differentiate different forms as different GODS. We do not have different gods at all; we have only different forms, representing one . Whether you call it S or V, there is no question of comparison.
And so, scriptures say, whichever compares the deities and claims, 'my Shiva is superior' or 'my Vishnu is superior’; I will go only to Shiva temple, not to Vishnu temple'; the sastra strongly criticises - whoever compares Shiva, Vishnu, Brahma etc and grades them as He is superior - one is gold medal, another is silver/bronze medal etc. the one who argues, , writes books and books establishing alone is great or alone is great, scriptures say, 'they are committing sin, for which the punishment is Stomach disease.
Therefore, we should be very, very careful. Let us use some form for worship; but, we should remember, Bhagavan is not confined to this form. the whole universe is manifestation of the lord only.  
Then, what is the third feature of traditional bhakti? Reverential appreciation of Ishwara as the source of the s, our primary scriptures.  As Brihdaranyaka Upanishad says: All the vedas, the primary scriptures, are like the breathing that came out of the Lord., along with this creation, has given out the scriptures also. And this appreciation is very, very important for a bhakta . Without the scriptures, we have no way of knowing GOD himself. Because, all our instruments of knowledge - including modern scientific equipments and any amount of search or research they do - they are not able to come across or discover , indicating that Ishwara is not accessible for the human beings and the human instruments. Therefore, if I have to know Bhagavan, the only source is the scriptures. And I am grateful to GOD, because GOD has given the scriptures to know HIM. In the absence of scriptures, the very existence of the Lord is unknowable. And in the absence of Bhagavan, where is the question of bhakti? In the absence of bhakti, where is Bhakta? The very survival of the Bhakta is because of the scriptures only. Therefore, i should know to appreciate bhagavan as the source of the scriptures. Vedanta krit Veda Videva cha aham. Again, the Upanishad (6.18) says - yo brahmā aṃ vidadhāti pūrvaṃ yo vai vedāṃśca prahi oti tasmai taṃ ha devaṃ ātmabuddhiprakāśaṃ mumuk urvai śara amahaṃ prapadye
That is why we chant Dakshinamurthy slokam. Bhagavan as the source of scriptures is called Dakshinamurthi or Sadashiva . Therefore, for a bhakta , the third feature is, reverential appreciation of bhagavan as the source of scriptures.
The fourth feature is, reverential appreciation of the scriptures themselves, as a gift from the lord. This is very important for a Bhakta to use the scriptures as a guide map for his life. A Bhakta is one who uses Bhagavan's scriptures as a guide map for his life. And if I have to use the scriptures as my guide map, I should have full faith and trust in the validity of scriptures.
And that is why, for developing this reverence, daily they had brahma yagna yajna which is the worship of the scriptures themselves. A bhakta should not confine to the worship of bhagavan only; but, he should worship the scriptures themselves as a gift from the lord. Like the GPS in the cars. When I am in an unknown place, I require a guideline. In my life's journey also, n has given god's positioning system (GPS) means, I will use scriptures as my guide. Even Vyakarana (grammar) which we use to study the scriptures - all of them we reverentially appreciate. Nowadays, the importance of scriptures is coming down. Traditional bhakti includes worship of scriptures and using the scriptures as a guide map.
Then the fifth feature- the final and the most important feature of traditional bhakti. If I have to use scriptures as a guide map, I will have to 'study the scriptures systematically'. Just as I go through an educational system for worldly knowledge, so too every Bhakta , if he wants to be a Bhakta in the traditional sense of the term. A devotee has to go through two fold educational systems. One educational system I need not tell. Already there is a big line, because March has come! Big lines in front schools for LKG or pre-kg or pre-pre-kg or pre-prepre-kg admission.  So also, if we want to practise bhakti and if we want to be a bhakta , the fifth and most important feature is, systematic study of the scriptures - so that, I can follow the lifestyle as well as the code of conduct given by Bhagavan in the scriptures. If Bhagavan has to address the Bhakta , HE can address through the scriptures, prescribing a lifestyle as well as the code of conduct. Only if I go through and try to follow the lifestyle and code of conduct, I can be called a devotee worth the name; otherwise, it becomes a mere vesham (a show) for some time, to get into an emotional frenzy. That is not the real bhakti.
The Lord Himself says: I have instructed all the bhaktas to follow a particular lifestyle and a code of conduct through the scriptures, and I expect them to follow that. If a devotee does not study the scriptures and does not follow those instructions, ’I look upon him as my very enemy'. Very strong word He is using! Therefore, the fifth feature of bhakti is “Systematic study of the scriptures”
But, if I have to study the scriptures, we do face a difficulty; because, our scriptural literature is very vast. vedas themselves are very big; and later, many secondary scriptures have come, which expound and elaborate the vedic teaching. They are called smriti granthas. And so, we have got a very vast literature. And we do not have time to study the whole thing. Therefore, Bhagavan as Krishna condensed all the Vedas into Bhagavad Gita. A true Bhakta will have to study the scriptures and follow the instructions given.
Scriptures talk about sat karmani- appropriate actions, in the form of pancha Maha yagna. I am not going into the details. The students will be remembering what are the proper actions and what are the proper values to be observed. In the 16th chapter of the Gita , right values to be followed, the wrong habits to be given-up – Daivi Sampath & Asuri sampatti - they are all described. Sat Karmani, Sat guna and Sat bhavanah , healthy attitudes - all of them a bhaktas has to know; and he should attempt to follow. Merely doing nama sanskrithanam , in the name of bhakti, is not traditional. Traditional bhakti involves taking instructions from God , through the scriptures, and Bhagavan will be happy if one follows those. The best way - in the Gita 12th chapter Krishna says, 'the one who follows these instructions, they are dear to me'. Advesta Sarva Bhutanam- First virtue Krishnan says is, Bhaktas must be one who cannot afford to hate anyone. Hatred must be abolished. Like that, every value Bhagavan gives in the scriptures we have to follow them.
Therefore, what is the fifth feature? Reverential study of the scriptures. And not only it will help me become a true bhakta , it will remove several misconceptions regarding bhakti and bhakta, which are very, very prevalent now, because people do not study scriptures. When it is not informed bhakti, there will be several misconceptions.
And one of the widely prevalent misconceptions is that Bhakta ill never have problems in life. Bhagavan will take away all our Papa karma and we will not have headache, stomach ache problems, everything will be fine. This is a very, very big misconception. The scriptures never make such promise. Whether one is or non-bhakta , Prarabdha Karma will have to be experienced, by everyone. You should not ask the question, 'why he is getting into problem? He is doing lot of puja . So, why problem?' This is as though means, no problem. Such a promise is never given. Promise for bhakti is, inner peace and strength to confront the problem with courage, confidence. Bhakti will give inner balance and inner strength, which will help me confront my karma with courage and confidence.
One says, 'Oh Lord, yadyad bhavyam bhavatu bhagavan, purva karmana rupam . 'According to the law of Karma , whatever I have to face, I do not want to dodge or escape. I should reap the results of my own actions. I am ready for that, oh lord. You send whatever is my karma phalam; but, keep my bhakti intact, so that I will have confidence and courage that - with your grace - I will be able to confront and conquer them'. Therefore, let it be clear, Bhaktas or abhaktas, problems are going to come.
And the second, widely prevalent misconception is – (and these are all promoted all over in several bhakti programs. There is a channel itself - bhakti channel. Everywhere, what they promote is this) - that a bhakta can get anything just by sending an application to Bhagavan. He is exempt from all effort. And they say, Bhagavan is the slave of the bhakta! And therefore, the moment you send the application, what will the LORD do? Instantaneously, He will do one miracle! That is why, all the channels will be full of miracle stories only, trying to point out, 'you need not do anything; only send an application! You can write on a piece of paper and keep it in Bhagavan's padam. Traditional bhakti or traditional scriptures, never say that. Whether you are bhakta or abhakta , goals can be accomplished only by following the appropriate effort in the appropriate direction. All goals can be achieved by hard work only.
And, for a bhakta , two types of karmas are available. He can do worldly activities also, and parallely, he can do vaidika karma also - laukika karma and vaidika karma . But, he only have to put forth the effort. Prayer is not - is not just you go and say, 'GOD, give me one million rupees.' And the next day it is there. No. That would not work. We have to work. Bhakti is not a replacement for Karma or hard work. A Bhakta must do karma with bhakti, for fulfilling the goals of life, whether it is dharma, artha or kama . And, if this is not understood, and I keep on praying to Bhagavan; and still, things do not happen. I keep on sending applications; but, nothing happens. I expect Bhgavan will do some miracle. But, miracle is not something which will regularly happen. Why? If it regularly happens, it will not be a miracle!
So, when you expect miracles, and miracles do not happen, many Bhaktas will begin to question the efficacy of bhakti. Many Bhaktas- uninformed , who do not study the scriptures, they question the efficacy of bhakti. They question the fairness of GOD. I am doing Puja; but, I am not getting; whereas, my neighbour does not do Puja , and still he got! That is more sorrow. And therefore, I question the fairness of GOD. And such bhakti becomes so fragile and shaky, that Bhaktas question the existence o of GOD! Uninformed bhakti - mere emotional obsession; without, proper scriptural study - will be fragile and shaky. At any time, nasthika thoughts will come. Out of mere fear, we may not express that.
Therefore, bhakti must be informed bhakti; which means, (a) study of scriptures is a must; and, (b) effort is required for achieving our goals. Mere bhakti cannot help achieve the goal. Bhakti, with appropriate karmā alone, will achieve the goals of dharma, artha and kama.
If I need moksha (many people are not interested in it; but, by chance if a person wants moksha) by merely sending an application to Bhagavan, a Bhakta cannot get mokha . For moksha also, an appropriate effort is required which is spiritual knowledge alone. That means, knowing the real nature of GOD, real nature of world and real nature of myself. The truth behind GOD, world and me, that truth – tattva jnana , tattva bhodena, moksha bhavati. Scriptures make it very clear. Bhakta must do karma for worldly benefit. Bhakta must gain jnanam for moksha.
And the Upanishad says that, 'without spiritual knowledge, you can get moksha , under one condition'. You have to role the sky like a carpet. You should go to one end of the earth and start rolling the sky. And you should role from one end to other, and submit it to Bhagavan. Then, HE will give moksha , without jnanam! So, what does it mean? You cannot role the sky; therefore, you cannot get moksha , without knowledge! And so, how does knowledge come? For jnanam also, do you just send an application? Lord, give me jnanam! And then, does Bhagavan drill a hole in the head and inject? Just as the worldly goals require effort, any jnanam also requires effort. Whether it is physics or chemistry or economics, any knowledge, requires a systematic study. Spiritual knowledge also requires a systematic study. Guru, sastra, and upadesa . Because, scriptures alone talk about 'the truth behind god, world and the individual'. Therefore, guru, sastra, upadesa , we have to go through. I call it, a spiritual education program.
In Bhagavad [4-34], Lord ṣṇ says, tadviddhi pra ipātena paripraśnena sevayā I upadek yanti te jñānaṃ jñāninas tattva darśina Therefore, be a bhakta . But, what should you remember? For achieving worldly goals, Bhakta will have to work; is required. For attaining moksha goal, Bhakta also will have to go through systematic study of the scriptures which reveal the truth. If this is not understood, I will say that, 'I will not require karma . I do not require scriptural study. That is all for intellectuals only. I am following bhakti marga '. So, by claiming 'I am following bhakti ', they think they do not require karma or jnanam . Remember, there is no bhakti separated from karma and jnanam. Bhakta will have to do karma, following all the code of conduct etc.
This is traditional bhakti, we should remember. It is not an emotional attachment to a finite Bhagavan in the form of a person. It is not an emotional obsession; but, it is a proper approach, with the help of the scriptures. Thus, the five features of bhakti every should remember. What are the five features? I will enumerate and conclude.
(1) Reverential appreciation of GOD as the cosmic intelligence. Cosmic, invisible, intelligent principle, behind the universe; because of which, there is order, harmony and natural function of the entire universe. Forms are only temporary, not final. From the forms, we have to go to the formless, which is everywhere.
(2) The second feature is, reverential appreciation of the very visible universe itself as the very body of the lord. For this , where is Bhagavan? HE is everywhere. 7th chapter of the [7-8], says – raso hampsu kaunteya prahashmi sasisuryayou . Sunlight is Bhagavan; moonlight is Bhagavan; are Panchabhutas are lingams. Today, devotees will go and see all those things and stand in a long queue in a particular place. Truth is all the five elements are in Bhagavan and not just in these lingas. These places only representative in Kalahasti, Kanchipuram etc., the idea is, for me, the whole universe is HIS vishwarupa. So, the second feature is, reverential appreciation of universe as the body of the lord.
(3) Reverential appreciation as the source of the scriptures.
(4) Reverential appreciation of the scriptures as a gift from god, as a GPS for navigation in my life's journey.
(5) Reverential study of scriptures so that, I can understand the lifestyle of the and the code of conduct for a bhakta , as prescribed by in the scriptures, which I can attempt to follow.
Only when i have all these five features, I am a Bhakta in the traditional sense of the term With these words, I conclude and today we have done Shiva Puja wherein we see Shiva as the source of the scriptures and bhakti!

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